
White Meat Your Baby Can Safely Eat


What is white meat and is it safe for babies to eat? In this episode we are exploring various types of white meat: poultry and fish, including ideal cuts and preparation methods of each that are safest for baby-led weaning.

< < FREE MINI CRASH COURSE: BLW MEAT WEEK November 15 - 19, 2021, register for free at www.blwmeatweek.com > >


SUMMARY of episode

If you’ve ever wondered about the difference between red and white meat, and which white meats are ideal for your baby, this episode will clarify a few things, including:

  • How red meat and white meat differ because of the amount of myoglobin, a protein in blood that carries oxygen to the cells of the body

  • White meats include poultry and fish, and a few tips about selecting each for BLW:

    • Poultry: 

      • Dark meat from chicken and turkey wings, legs and thighs has more fat which equates to more moisture and helps reduce choking risk

      • Whie meat from chicken and turkey breast is lean and lacks fat, which lends to a more dry outcome and this can increase choking risk

    • Fish:

      • Fatty fish: salmon, mackerel, anchovy, tuna, herring among others have higher fat content (ideal for babies) and essential omega-3 fatty acids

      • Flaky white fish: cod, tilapia, pollock, grouper, halibut - these are more lean and lack fat but you can add oil or butter to make easier for baby to safely swallow


Want to learn more about safely offering your baby meat? Join the free mini crash course on meat called BLW MEAT WEEK running from November 15 - 19, 2021.

Each day of this BLW MEAT WEEK you will learn about 1 new type of meat. Registration is free and includes daily video training plus a BLW MEAT WEEK recipe of the day you can make for your baby.

Click here to register for BLW MEAT WEEK

LINKS from episode

Other BABY-LED WEANING MADE EASY podcast episodes mentioned in this episode:

Grab my 100 FIRST FOODS list of 100 foods your baby can eat before turning 1 (includes 20 protein foods: both red and white meats). Sign up for this week’s free BABY-LED WEANING FOR BEGINNERS workshop times & grab your copy of the 100 FIRST FOODS list. Click here to register for this week’s workshop times.

TRANSCRIPT of episode