
Sick Days & Solid Foods: Do I Stop Trying New Foods When My Baby is Sick?

  • How and why to prioritize hydration over nutrition during periods of acute illness
  • Why it's ok to skip a few meals or even a few days of trying new foods if your baby is sick
  • What reactions can occur from underlying illness that might be confused with true food allergy…and why it's not a good idea to trial new potentially allergenic foods when baby is sick



Do I stop trying new foods when my baby is sick? Is it safe to offer my baby food if they are sick? In this episode we’re exploring some techniques for managing sick days when you’re also transitioning to solid foods.

SUMMARY of episode

In this episode we’re talking about:

  • How and why to prioritize hydration over nutrition during periods of acute illness

  • Why it’s ok to skip a few meals or even a few days of trying new foods if your baby is sick

  • What reactions can occur from underlying illness that might be confused with true food allergy…and why it’s not a good idea to trial new potentially allergenic foods when baby is sick

In this episode I mentioned one of my quadruplets Dillon having an allergic reaction to shrimp and fish ceviche when he was sick. The quads had a regular, run-of-the-mill cold with lots of snot and Dillon had tried shellfish and finfish a number of times before with no adverse reaction. 

Here’s what he looked like when I called the doctor and this was about 1 ½ - 2 hours after eating ceviche at a Super Bowl Party:

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TRANSCRIPT of episode