
Oatmeal: How to Feed This Food Safely to Your Baby

  • Why oatmeal is a great first food for baby and how you can safely get your baby to self-feed steel-cut, quick-cooking or old-fashioned rolled oats
  • How the iron content of different types of oatmeal varies - but also why you don't necessarily need to buy “single-ingredient” baby oatmeal for your baby
  • How to promote self-feeding even when your baby is starting out with puree textures like oatmeal and you want to preserve the self-feeding principles of baby-led weaning


Can babies eat regular oatmeal? You bet. As long as it does not have any added sugar, there are a number of ways you can safely feed baby oatmeal: quick-cooking, old-fashioned rolled oats or steel-cut. You can also feed your baby baby oatmeal if you want to...but you don’t have to.

In this episode we’re diving deep into a number of ways you can safely feed your baby oatmeal. With a discussion on the ratio of liquid:oats to use plus the iron content comparison of quick-cooking, old-fashioned rolled oats and steel-cut, you’ll have everything you need to incorporate oatmeal safely into your self-feeding baby’s diet.


SUMMARY of episode

In this episode, I’m covering:

  • Why oatmeal is a great first food for baby and how you can safely get your baby to self-feed steel-cut, quick-cooking or old-fashioned rolled oats

  • How the iron content of different types of oatmeal varies - but also why you don’t necessarily need to buy “single-ingredient” baby oatmeal for your baby

  • How to promote self-feeding even when your baby is starting out with puree textures like oatmeal and you want to preserve the self-feeding principles of baby-led weaning

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TRANSCRIPT of episode