
The Evidence Behind Baby-Led Weaning with Amy Brown, PhD

  • Why it's kind of even ridiculous that we have to PROVE that babies can feed themselves since prior to the advent of commercial baby food, that's all babies for generations have been DOING! (...but also, Amy's doing the research, so SHE is allowed to call it ridiculous :)
  • How there's no evidence to support all of the things opponents of BLW sometimes claim: it does NOT increase choking risk, BLW babies do NOT have growth faltering, they do NOT have nutrient deficits...and a ton more info about what the research DOES show as benefits including responsive feeding outcomes, family bonding and self-pacing intake.
  • Differences in the US vs. UK when it comes to advertising of baby foods, infant formula and toddler or “follow-on” formulas as they're called in the UK. And why parents and caregivers would be better served to totally bypass the commercial infant food aisle at their local stores, no matter WHERE you live!


There is a real and credible body of emerging evidence that supports a baby-led approach to feeding. In this episode baby-led weaning expert, author, researcher and Professor Amy Brown is joining us to help break down the evidence behind baby-led weaning.

Amy Brown is a psychologist by background and a professor of Public Health in Policy and Social Sciences at Swansea University in the UK. Her research focuses on early experiences in parenthood with a focus on infant feeding, mental health and baby behavior. She has published widely across these topics and her research helps inform policy and practice in both the United Kingdom and around the world.

Dr. Brown is the author of the book “Why Starting Solids Matters” and numerous research publications exploring the safety and efficacy of a baby-led approach to feeding.


SUMMARY of episode

In this episode, baby-led weaning research Amy Brown, PhD from Swansea University is here to talk about the EVIDENCE behind baby-led weaning, including:

  • Why it’s kind of even ridiculous that we have to PROVE that babies can feed themselves since prior to the advent of commercial baby food, that’s all babies for generations have been DOING! (...but also, Amy’s doing the research, so SHE is allowed to call it ridiculous :)

  • How there’s no evidence to support all of the things opponents of BLW sometimes claim: it does NOT increase choking risk, BLW babies do NOT have growth faltering, they do NOT have nutrient deficits...and a ton more info about what the research DOES show as benefits including responsive feeding outcomes, family bonding and self-pacing intake.

  • Differences in the US vs. UK when it comes to advertising of baby foods, infant formula and toddler or “follow-on” formulas as they’re called in the UK. And why parents and caregivers would be better served to totally bypass the commercial infant food aisle at their local stores, no matter WHERE you live!

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