
My BLW Baby at 12 Months Old: What Comes Next?

  • When should my baby stop drinking milk out of a bottle?
  • How much iron do 1 year olds need?
  • How do I know if my baby/toddler is eating enough?
  • Should I start giving snacks to a toddler if we didn't do snacks in infancy?


What nutrition and feeding changes happen when your baby turns 1 year old? What foods should a toddler eat that are different than in infancy? In this episode we’re looking at your 12 month old baby-led weaning baby, who is about to not be a baby anymore! This episode covers topics about monitoring growth in the 2nd year of life, how to wean your baby off the bottle, how calorie and nutrient needs change (slightly) and the 2 biggest things that sabotage the toddler’s diet: milk and snacks.


SUMMARY of episode

In this episode we’re talking about nutrition and feeding topics for the 12 month old. Your baby is transitioning out of infancy and into toddlerhood and some things to take into consideration around mealtimes include:

  • When should my baby stop drinking milk out of a bottle?

  • How much iron do 1 year olds need?

  • How do I know if my baby/toddler is eating enough?

  • Should I start giving snacks to a toddler if we didn’t do snacks in infancy?

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TRANSCRIPT of episode